Month: February 2013

Nothing To It Tasty Turkey Breakfast Sausage

Even though we don’t eat pork, I love sausage. But, reading the label of the brand of turkey sausage that I used to buy, I realized that they used BHA and BHT in their sausage — two preservatives that I tend to want to avoid. So, I started looking at making my own sausage and discovered that it is surprisingly easy to make — all you need is a pound of ground turkey and some spices that are likely already on hand.

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My Writing Testimony

I am on Edgy Inspirational Romance today sharing my writing journey and testimony. I’m also giving away paperbacks of my entire Jewel Trilogy plus the bonus Greater Than Rubies. Click here to go to the article From Edgy Romance Author to Edgy Inspirational Romance Author.

Please stop by and say hi, and you can be entered to win the paperback set of four books!


Old School Housekeeping

I’m so curious about it. This was an era before television, computers, some phones, mommy groups, play dates, working remotely, etc. I’m curious if women just felt like they had to fill those hours in the day with housework, or if there is truly something to be said for being that thorough every single day in your home. If it was done daily, and a good rhythm was established (note in the order of cleaning that the steps in and out of the room are even given), my entire house could be cleaned in just a morning. Instead, I do a room or a group of rooms a day, do my daily chores, and spend the rest of my (kid-free) time in front of a computer, working.


A Cultural, Spiritual, & Emotional Loss

Over the last few decades, the majority of our society has moved away from fresh, whole foods and into packaged, prepared, preserved products. We’ve lost something very fundamental as a result. Opening cans and dumping, slicing a vent hole into a plastic sealed microwavable tray, “just add water” – those things have taken away from something that, I believe, is an inherent desire within us to make the process of growing, preparing, cooking, and serving a joyful experience. We’ve taken something that should be a very basic delight and turned it into a tedious chore that has us seeking any time-saving product that will get it done faster and with less hassle.

But at what cost?

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Free Indeed

We live in a world that groans beneath the weight of sin that entered at the fall of man. Everywhere we turn, there is pain, hatred, abuse, war, jealousy, greed, and malice. Whether they consciously do it or not, people seeking to free themselves from their chains, longing to end their internal suffering, turn to all types of carnality. They are lost in a world that offers them, not truth, but lies.

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Smarties Airplanes

When I asked Scott what kind of Valentine he wanted for his class party this year, he said he wanted to make a Valentine. I was so happy about that, because I’m all about homemade when I can.

Because I’m making Valentine’s for boys, and not girls, I had a bit of a challenge. So many of the crafts are very feminine – and that just wouldn’t be as much fun for them. I settled on a Smartie Airplane.

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Love: The Perfect Gift for Valentine’s Day — 25% Off!

What better gift to give – or receive – than love? In my Jewel Trilogy, three half-sisters, Robin, Maxine, and Sarah, share one nightmarish past. With the world and the scars of the past against them, can the three of them find love and learn to live a life of faith? If you live in the States and contact me today or tomorrow, I can get you any (or all) of my love stories by Thursday. These books tell beautiful stories of romantic love and the love of God, and how both loves can transcend even the worst of circumstances.


Fifty Shades of Gravy; a Christian Gets Saucy!

I am so excited to announce this book to you.

Fifty Shades of Gravy; a Christian Gets Saucy
‘Probably’ a New York Times Bestseller

Submitted for your pleasure, a cookbook intended to dominate ALL of your “Big Dang Sauce Making” (BDSM) desires.

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