God is so good and is such a provider – even when all I need provided is a diving board. I was excited to write a post on modesty, but honestly once Saidah gave me the deadline to get the post to her, I have been at a loss as to what to say. Then, last week, a friend sent me an email. She said that her husband and father of two toddlers was having a conversation with a coworker and father of two teenaged daughters — about clothes. The father of the teenaged girls said that girls had to dress the way they dress, because that’s all that’s out there. She said to me:
This I know isn’t true, while it might be harder to find, I know you would NEVER let Kaylee wear these clothes, nor have I seen them on her. I just immediately thought of you and how you talk about the images of women/girls and clothes nowadays and how our society shapes them.
My parents graduated high school in 1966. My mom remembers a Friday afternoon in the winter when a freezing rain hit the little logging town where she lived in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. She remembers the principal making an announcement over the loudspeakers of the school that due to the freezing temperatures, girls would be allowed to wear pants to that night’s football game.
My mom and her friends were so excited. To get to wear pants! What a treat!….
I’m guest posting today at A Proverb’s Wife. To read the rest of this post, click here.
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Hallee, this is one of many reasons that I am pleased that I have a boy. Yes, I have to deal with him looking at the girls wearing this stuff (which he already does at 5), but at least I don’t have to have the fight of him wearing it.
To help my friends who do have girls, where do you buy Kaylee’s clothes? Because I know that before long Jeni is going to have problems with the girls. She already has some because one of the girls is tall & thin, so to fit her waist things are too short.
She loves Aeropastle. Their clothes fit her well. Right now she’s coming out of a 00 into a 0. I remember having a problem as a teen finding clothes that fit, too. I fell in love with Lerner, now New York & Company — I was so excited to find a size 0 jeans that fit my 5’11” length.
Hey Hallee….I am curious what you say to people who MAY have something to say about bikini’s (I notice you let Kaylee wear them-Florida pics?) BTW…this has NOTHING to do with my facebook post…people are very respectful on there (suggesting tankinis).
I know I get the ‘opinions’ form people regarding letting my girls wear bikinis (not scary revealing ones). Otherwise, my kids dress very modest…I don’t even let them wear cartoon characters because I think they say something. Everything makes a statement I guess. Have you experienced this? How do you respond?
No one has ever said anything to me, though I’ve seen many debates about it. It may be because we lived in Florida. There were limits for Kaylee – nothing on the rear end, certain cuts were not allowed, etc. I require her to wear one-pieces to church camps. But in a tropical climate with most people wearing the same thing, it doesn’t come across the same way as it would in other places, I guess. I don’t let Kaylee wear shorts that are short to the mall, but I let her wear a bikini to the beach – lol.