Exciting October Giveaway Announcement!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Because of this, I contacted some extremely talented friends and asked if they would be willing to donate a “pink ribbon” item for this months’ giveaway.  I was so pleased when not one, but all four of my beautiful and wonderful friends agreed to participate!

Because all four have given me an item, we’re going to have a giveaway a week this month!

Starting Monday, the first item will be this awesome CD/DVD holder.  My friend and neighbor, Amy, of Amy Smith Purse-onals, designed this herself.  She has a shop in her dining room with purses and more purses.  When I went to her house for coffee, I don’t think she realized just how much of a purse fetish I have.  While there I asked if she could make me a pink ribbon something, and she pulled this out of a box.  I love it!  It’s so feminine.

The giveaway for this CD/DVD holder will run from October 4-8, with the giveaway happening at 5PM EST on October 8th.

You all know my beautiful friend Mary of Mary’s Originals.  If you have never seen her shop, I encourage you to go there.  Look around.  She is the most talented woman who ever wielded a crochet hook that I’ve ever met.  Get your orders in now, though, because she makes each hat to order and she is in high demand.  Mary designed this pink ribbon hat for this giveaway.  I love the colors.  It looks as warm and snuggly as it feels.

The giveaway for this hat will be October 11-15, with the giveaway happening at 5PM EST on October 15th.

Cathy of Cathy’s Creations named this beautiful bracelet for her mother, Sofia, who battled breast cancer and died when Cathy was just a young woman.  Read the story of the bracelet on her site and try to come out of it without tears in your eyes.  Cathy is a wonderful woman with a beautiful soul who so quickly and willingly donated this bracelet.

The giveaway for this bracelet will be October 18-22, with the giveaway happening at 5PM EST on October 22nd.

My good friend, Raechel, of Maker’s Hands, custom creates anything you want with a sewing machine.  My favorite birthday presents for the boys come from her.  Don’t let her inventory limit you on her site.  She can custom design what you want.  When she found this fabric, she was so excited about participating in this giveaway.  Raechel donated this beautiful apron.

The giveaway for this apron will be October 25-29, with the giveaway happening at 5PM EST on October 29th.

Check back every week this month for these awesome Pink Ribbon Giveaways!


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