Tag: Carolyn Mahaney
This chapter thoroughly touches on all areas of media, from magazine articles to lyrics in music, to television shows and commercials, and how these areas in our lives continually and constantly sexually objectify women. You can’t watch a college football game without a scantily clad model touting a beer brand. You can’t watch a crime show on television without a scene in a bar with naked pole dancers kissing each other.
Pin ItThis chapter was by far the longest chapter in the book, and it was so clear that I had a, “Duh!” moment reading it. Early in the chapter, Stormie says, “When you pray for your husband, especially in the hopes of changing him, you can surely expect some changes. But the first changes won’t be in him. They’ll be in you…God sees things we don’t. He knows where we have room for improvement. He doesn’t have to search long to uncover attitudes and habits that are outside His perfect will for us.”