Draft of New Schedule – need feedback, please
If this were posted as my schedule under my schedule tab, would you be able to read it? Does it make sense to you? (Ignore the formatting gliches — Gregg is the one who knows code. This is a purely elemental attempt at it.)
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
4:30 |
Wake up – Bible reading/prayer time |
5:00 |
write |
Write |
Write |
Write |
Write |
6:00 |
Make breakfast/ Kaylee’s lunch |
Make breakfast/ Kaylee’s lunch |
7:00 |
Make breakfast/ Kaylee’s lunch |
Volunteer at Soup Kitchen |
Make breakfast/ Kaylee’s lunch |
Volunteer at Soup Kitchen |
Make breakfast/ Kaylee’s lunch |
7:30 |
Kaylee leaves/Daily chores/ free play for |
Kaylee leaves/Daily chores/ free play for |
Kaylee leaves/Daily chores/ free play for |
10:00 |
Preschool |
Preschool |
Library/park |
12:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
1:00 |
Nap time for boys. Work |
3:00 |
Play time |
4:00 |
Kaylee home |
5:00 |
Dinner prep |
Volunteer at BINGO |
Dinner Prep |
6:00 |
Dinner |
6:30 |
Dinner |
Kitchen Cleanup |
Dinner |
Dinner |
7:00 |
Evening Devotions/ Book of Proverbs |
Church |
Evening Devotions/ Book of Proverbs |
7:30 |
2 mile Walk/Run |
2 mile Walk/Run |
8:00 |
Bath |
Bath |
8:30 |
Bedtime Boys |
Bedtime Boys |
9:30 |
Bedtime Kaylee |
Bedtime Kaylee |
Bedtime Kaylee |
Bedtime Kaylee |
10:00 |
Bed |
Bed |
Bed |
Bed |
11:00 |
Bed |

I have a “routine” but not really a dead set schedule like this. Do you find that this works? Do you stick to the schedule? Just curious.
I’m following you on Twitter I’m @alyssaavant
I am very schedule oriented. I found myself totally floundering when I first started as a homemaker full time. Once I sat down and very strictly scheduled my day, I suddenly felt in control and capable of doing the job. I like looking at the clock and knowing that I’m on task, what is next, and how much time I have for whatever I’m working on. My kids – all 3 of them – seem to thrive more the more strict the schedule. Kaylee has a brain that’s just as analytical as mine, and the boys both spent the first part of their lives in the NICU, where even diaper changes were scheduled. Not sure if that affect them or if they are just wired that way. I’m happy about it, though.
I have tried to schedule my days and it always seems to get busted. I am still following your cleaning schedule and that is working great but as for everything else it seems something always happens to knock it clear off course. I would love to stick to a schedule like yours.
I really want to set up a schedule and stick to it. You’ve inspired me. Plus the Lord has had me teach a lesson on slothfulness this week. When I twiddle away a couple of hours doing something not worth that much of my time it makes me angry and convicted. So I guess that’s first on my list of things to do. 4:30am? Really?
How funny that you say that. I wrote a post about that that I think will post on Tuesday. I was worried that someone would be mad, because I basically say, “If you are struggling with your homemaking, stop and analyze your day….Do you lose hours and hours one end in chatrooms, Twitter parties, message board conversations, or Facebook, or do you remove yourself from such outside distractions and keep them for your scheduled downtimes?”
I may still chicken out and not post it until I tone it down. Gregg seemed to think it was okay.
I have been getting up at 4:30 since I started writing when Kaylee was a baby. It was the only time I could write, and now I find it’s the only time I can write. The only exception was when the boys were babies – neither one of them slept well and I couldn’t maintain the 4:30 wakeup. I’ve gotten back into it in the last 6 months or so and it’s been wonderful. Yesterday morning, though, I was pretty fatigued and went back to bed at 5:30. Sundays I don’t set an alarm, and this morning I made it all the way to 6:00.
I am trying to schedule my day also.I have a home daycare and am trying to combine the home schedule and the school schedule into one.Any ideas you have would be greatly appretiated.BTW
I am impressed with your morning schedule.I would love to get mine similar.I have been working on it,but 4:30 doesn’t work :( It doesn’t give me enough sleep.What time do you go to bed?
I go to bed at 10:00, but I’m exhausted when I do. If I could swing 9:00, I would. The older the kids get, the easier that will be.
Lately it has been about 11 when I get to Bed.Shoot for 10 and see if it helps ;)
I have a rough schedule…but its never written out like that! whew…your days just exhaust me! I find I have to do most of my cooking/cleaning when my youngest is napping. Someday he will be older and won’t require to have to be in my face at all times…and yes he is almost 18 months old! Although you have gotten me to deep clean more and that’s mighty productive! I didn’t get to do much for cleaning last week with all the running around I did each and every day and I felt like it was just a wasted week…inlaws out of town and had to tend to their cats(40 mins away) plus wrangle 2 boys and keep them entertained. by friday i was exhausted!