The Garden – Week 9

Things are really going to pick up with harvesting the garden in the next couple of weeks.  We’re already getting cucumbers and green beans with daily regularity.  I’ll be posting my process for cold packing dill pickles as soon as I get to the store to get some dill (because my herb garden was such a disappointment this year.)

Here is the main garden.  It’s hard to imagine that only 9 weeks ago, it was just a big rectangle full of dirt.

The potatoes are doing beautifully.

Here is Cybil the Shepherd.  She’s actually half Australian Shepherd and half Saint Bernard.  Almost every picture I took had to be retaken because she kept nudging into the shot.

The herbs don’t seem to have changed much since the last garden post.

The pumpkin plants are going to take over this yard, I fear.

The squash look good, but so far we’ve only gotten one yellow squash harvested.  I don’t even see anymore growing.  Remind me of this conversation when I’m tired of cooking and preserving zucchini in about a month.

The honeydew seeds I planted may just unchoke themselves from the watermelon and be good plants.

The watermelon are doing beautifully!  I even have a baby growing!

The corn are producing silk.

The volunteer tomatoes are so big!  I can’t wait to see what kind they are.

The peas are struggling.  But, they’re SO GOOD.  I will plant an extra row next year.

I am not happy with the lettuce.

Green beans are really thriving.  I get a handful a day now, and know that I’ll get even more than that soon.

This is a mystery plant.  I don’t remember seeing it growing.  One day it wasn’t there (that I saw) and the next it’s bigger than a green bean bush.  I’m curious to see what it is.  Pumpkin, I think.

I have several kinds of peppers, which are all starting to produce now.

The tomatoes aren’t bearing fruit yet, but they have blooms.

I’ve never grown eggplant before.  They have such pretty blooms.

The cucumbers are really doing well.  I pick 5 or 6 a day now.

All of the radishes are gone.  I need to replant that row with something for fall.  Lettuce, maybe, since the container did so poorly.

I really should thin out some of the onions, but, honestly, I was waiting until some of them could be used as scallions.

The carrots are growing growing!  Kaylee picked one the other day and it was about 2 inches long.  I can’t wait to make a vegetable soup with them!

The grapes are reaching to the sky.

The apple tree is full.  I wish you could see the apples better in this picture.

How is your garden growing?  Are you starting to preserve anything?


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