The 2010 Ultimate Blog Party

I am SO excited to be participating in the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party.  I AM a family friendly blog, so if you clicked on not-so-family-friendly, don’t worry.

Having the opportunity to meet so many other bloggers is So much fun!  I love parties.  I love mingling, networking, trading business cards, admiring shoes, snacking on good food, sipping exotic drinks.  So, if you’re here visiting from another blog, and attending this Party, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Hallee Bridgeman. Here is my card:

Hallee the Homemaker's Business Card

I have a faith based homemaking blog. I focus on four major areas:

  1. My relationship with God. This is the most important thing in my life, and is forefront in everything that I do from loving my husband to what we eat and why we eat it. My testimony can be found here.
  2. Being a wife to my husband and the mother to my children. I love my family, and taking care of them is the highlight of my life. Gregg and I have been married for 8 years this year. We have three children, Kaylee (12), Scott (3), and Johnathan *Jeb* (1). Kaylee is currently spending the school year in Florida with her father so that she can go on a missions trip this summer with her youth group, and Gregg is currently in Afghanistan working on a civilian contract, so for now it’s just me and “the boys“.
  3. My Kitchen. Nicknamed Hallee’s Galley by my husband, Gregg, and some friends. The story for that can be found here. I love sharing recipes, hearing about recipes, sharing kitchen tips, sharing lessons learned.
  4. My Home. Creating a home that my children love and my husband is proud of is of the utmost importance to me. I want it to be a place of sanctuary and hospitality – a place where someone coming in will know that God is the head and love overflows.

This month, my blog will celebrate it’s 8-month anniversary. I can’t believe it’s been 8 months. At times I feel like I started it yesterday, and at times I feel like I’ve been doing it my whole life. In that time, I’ve met some amazing friends, I was invited to participate in kitchenstewardship’s Real Food Face-Off, I am currently participating in the Faith and Food Challenge at The Local Cook, and have become a participant in many different rings and communities.

May 1st, we will be doing a Bible study with Stormie Omartian’s Power of a Praying Wife.  I would love it if you would join us!  There is still time to find the book!

I love that we’re having our own little cocktail party here. I am so looking forward to spending the next week browsing through your blogs and making new friends.

Thanks to everyone who, entered my April give-away. It ended on Monday, April 12th at 5PM EST.

Speaking of giveaways, I am thrilled to be part of the give-away lineup for the Ultimate Blog Party!  I will be giving away the book Home Comforts: The Art & Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Meldelson.  As with all of our giveaways, it is open to international entries.  Click here for details.

By the way – those are the cutest shoes I’ve ever seen. Where did you find them? And, yes, I’d love to meet for coffee sometime. That would be wonderful.


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