Blog Award: Beautiful Blogger Award

Blog Award: Beautiful Blogger Award

Right before Valentine’s day, my new friend Jeslyn at The Improbable Housewife presented me with this Beautiful Blogger Award. I am very pleased, honored, and excited to accept this award.

I discovered Jeslyn’s blog while participating in the Blissdom Blizzard Bloghop.  Jeslyn, who  been a homemaker for nearly a decade, and her hard working husband are parents to a lovely daughter and a fine son.  She only recently started blogging and I am thrilled that she nominated me for this award.  I loved reading the 7 things about herself (and would love to know what question she asked!)

Jeslyn, thank you for the award.  I am so pleased to be considered a beautiful blogger.  Thank you so much.  And now I will pass it on.

Here are the rules for the award:

  • Thank and link to the person that gave you the award.
  • Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic.
  • Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won
  • State 7 things about yourself

Here are my 15 nominees….

  1. Tales of the Toot
  2. Faith Family and Fibromyalgia
  3. Eds Hunny Bunny
  4. Tyra’s Musings
  5. The Bierschenks
  6. Feels Like Home Blog
  7. Raising Brats
  8. Argyle & Apricots
  9. Crazy Busy Life
  10. Mom’s Sharpening Mom’s
  11. Clash and Contradiction
  12. Heart for Him
  13. Our Guided Steps
  14. Amy the Undomestic Army Wife
  15. Inmates to Playdates

Here are 7 things about myself

  1. I am an Army brat and was very nearly born in an Army helicopter somewhere above Nurnberg, Germany.
  2. My husband and I were married for a full year before we even lived in the same time zone.
  3. I wrote 10 novels in 2 years.
  4. If my life depended on it, I could not carry a tune or play a musical instrument.
  5. I love to travel.  I would love to homeschool my children and just travel around the country and the world.
  6. My idea of a good movie involves either Humphrey Bogart, or at least one car chase combined with at least two explosions.
  7. I love studying the 1940’s-1950’s.  I love memorabilia, movies, songs, architecture.  My favorite thing is looking at kitchens, kitchen products, and reading cookbooks from those time periods.  One of my treasured possessions is my 1950 Betty Crocker Cookbook.

Thank you, Jeslyn!  I am truly honored.


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