and so it begins

fam2I have in the last several months become a huge fan of several homemaking blogs (of which I will post a link whenever I can figure out how to – heh). And the more I read them, the more I think all day long, “If I had a blog, I’d post about that, or this, or this other thing.”

For the last few weeks, I have really felt a calling from God to start a blog, so here I am.

My name is Hallee. I’ve been married seven years to the most amazing man on the planet. We have three wonderful children, two dogs, a cat, and live in quintessential-small-town Kentucky. I’m a homemaker while my husband goes out into the world and brings home the turkey or beef bacon.

I am a faithful Christian and work very hard to live my life by Christian principles. Our family follows a Levitical diet (though not a Kosher diet) and try to stick to homemade unprocessed food made with natural ingredients and whole grains. We aren’t purists about it and do cheat now and then.

I’m a traditional wife (Ephesians 5:22), my husband’s help mate, his support, his biggest fan. He is the head of our household and I love him and respect him for bearing the responsibility of that role.  He is a computer consultant by day and a Special Forces National Guardsman by weekend.

I don’t home school our middle schooler, but I do home school preschool our two toddlers. The debate continues as to whether we’ll continue the home schooling, place them in a Christian school affiliated with our church, or put them in public school. We have a few years before it will be an issue.

I think that’s a skeleton introduction. I don’t want to give away everything in my first post. I am really looking forward to God’s plans for this new venture!


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