I’m focusing today on the verb “IS”. Do you know what “IS” is? Well, sure, it’s a lot of things. But for this specific post, it’s SINGULAR. That’s right, the verses do not say that the fruits of the Spirit are. What they say is that the fruit of the Spirit is. That means that if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then you can count on a well of love, joy, peace, longsuffering (read: patience), goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
Tag: word of promise
Almost certainly, whenever we explain our choice to follow a Biblical diet, someone brings up Peter’s vision. However, this vision has nothing to do with food. In fact, Peter himself knew that. While he was having this vision, Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian regiment, had a delegation on their way to where Peter was staying. These were not Jews, and it was unlawful for a Jew to “keep company with” someone who was not Jewish. However, these men explained that an angel of the Lord told Cornelius to send for Peter. So, he put the men up for the night, and the next day went with them to see Cornelius.
If you told me I could only keep one single book from the entire Bible, I would be torn between the gospel according to John, and the book of Acts. Honestly, I think John is my favorite book.
I could spend 365 days this year telling you all of the things that stand out to me on that book. But, today I’ll just pick one, and go onto Acts tomorrow from there.
Today, I listened to Luke 6 through Luke 11.
The part that stood out to me today was Luke 8:12, as Jesus explained the Parable of the Sower:
Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
Wayside is defined as the edge of the path.
What is the path? How can I, someone desperate to hear the word of God and obey the word of God, stay off of the wayside and remain on the path so that the word cannot be taken out of my heart?
Today, I listened to Mark 5 through Mark 13.
The part that stood out to me today came from Mark 5:25-34:
Pin ItToday, I listened to Matthew 24 through Mark 5.
In the end of Matthew, I listened to Christ’s arrest and crucifixion. Having the sound effects really adds to the experience of reading what’s happening. It was such a strong message.
The part that stood out to me today came from the beginning of Mark 3: