Tag: Vegan

Greek Stuffed Vegetables with Rice (Yemista me Ryzi)

This is an amazing recipe for making something new and different with all of that fresh produce coming out of the garden. You are getting such a wide variety of fresh vegetables, all kinds of good for your body vitamins and minerals, and is something different from the standard sauteing that I tend to do as a default.

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Homemade Potato Chips

My son Scott loves potato chips. Since potatoes are in the “dirty dozen”, I try very hard to just get organic potato chips. But, organic potato chips are SO EXPENSIVE. It doesn’t seem worthwhile to even buy that little tiny bag. Recently, Scott brought me a potato and said, “Can you make me some potato chips?” I love the fact that he deduced that potato chips come from potatoes, and that he was confident I could produce them. Which I did. They were amazing. Kaylee came home from softball practice and ate the leftovers, then asked if I would make them for her the next morning for her lunch. I will never purchase bagged potato chips again.

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