Tag: Technology/Internet

If You’re a Facebook Fan You Want to Read This

Here is a detailed blog article explaining the OVERLY COMPLICATED and RIDICULOUSLY CONFUSING steps on how to make sure your favorite pages (like Hallee the Homemaker) actually show up in your news feed.

And if I have enough fans willing to migrate over to Google+, I may lead the charge.

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What This Is Not

Wordpress has had a few major security updates lately. Gregg has always handled everything on the site end of this blog, but one of the updates happened while he was traveling home from Afghanistan. During his most recent (and final) trip home, it took him four days of traveling before he was finally here – and most of those days he had no internet connection.

So, when Wordpress updated, it stripped my Stat Counter code.


It’s a Dismally Lonely Business, Writing

This morning while working, I stopped to use a thesaurus. I use on online thesaurus. I have one built into my writing program that’s good, but I like the online thesaurus best because, well, I guess just because. So, whenever I use it, which is all the time, I leave the writing program and go online (and maybe check Facebook and my comments here – heh.)


Hug Me! I’m Organic!

In other words, it may pay in health benefits to buy Organic peaches, but you get almost no benefit from paying extra for Organic bananas. And, seriously, what kind of “health” benefit are you reaping by eating cotton candy, whether it’s made from Organic processed sugar or non-Organic processed sugar?


Guest Post: Kelly the Kitchen Cop on Blogging Advice

When Hallee asked me to do a guest post for her so she & Gregg could get away for some alone time, I was happy to help. Since her blog covers a wider range of topics than my health & nutrition blog does, I thought I’d do something a little different than normal and share blogging advice with you from many of the amazing bloggers in my niche. The tips below are from seasoned bloggers for newer bloggers, for all those crazy people out there who have jumped into the fray and decided to take on this wild adventure!

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