While I was doing a regular shopping excursion to Whole Foods, I went to the bulk food aisle to get what I needed to make homemade granola bars. The price of the blueberries gave me pause. $13.99 per pound. Wow. That seemed extreme. Then I remembered that I had that unused dehydrator sitting on the shelf.
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Here’s the menu for my family for the week of July 4th. As far as desserts go, we’re going to make some Traditional Sugar Cookies cut out in star shapes for the Independence Day holiday. I’m also going to try some desserts that incorporate squash — because I have a plethora of squash and want to do something other than saute it. We’re leaving for Glen Eden Youth Center on Friday, so I’ll be making some granola bars and cookies to take with us for snacking there.
Pin ItMy son Scott loves potato chips. Since potatoes are in the “dirty dozen”, I try very hard to just get organic potato chips. But, organic potato chips are SO EXPENSIVE. It doesn’t seem worthwhile to even buy that little tiny bag. Recently, Scott brought me a potato and said, “Can you make me some potato chips?” I love the fact that he deduced that potato chips come from potatoes, and that he was confident I could produce them. Which I did. They were amazing. Kaylee came home from softball practice and ate the leftovers, then asked if I would make them for her the next morning for her lunch. I will never purchase bagged potato chips again.
Pin ItI tried to think of ways to make a glass armonica, a furnace, reaching claw, and a flexible urinary catheter. I found that these tutorials although might prove amusing to me and to those who read this would not prove useful to most people performing cupcakery. Somehow a ‘congrats on passing the kidney stone’ cupcake just didn’t feel quite right. I did feel however the kite could easily be used for a spring party or a birthday party and the glasses could be a fun addition to an ‘over the hill’ party. Hope I haven’t embarrassed myself too much and I do hope that I get to show off more complicated cupcakery in the future, but these were fun, educational, and hey darn tasty too!
Pin ItThis is my family’s traditional breakfast for Christmas morning. It’s a very light dough, crispy, with a delicate sweet flavor brought about by sprinkling it with sugar and cinnamon. I only make them for Christmas so that we have something different and new to look forward to every year.
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