Tag: Personal life

Staying on Schedule

You can make schedules all day long. The challenge comes in implementing the schedule. Here’s the way I’ve looked at it: I’ve thought about how a hired housekeeper for a large home is able to stay on task, keep it immaculate, and cook meals in the process. The answer is: she doesn’t play around on Facebook all day, she doesn’t watch television in the middle of the morning, she doesn’t read a murder mystery in the middle of the afternoon — the housekeeper clocks in at a certain time in the morning, performs the daily tasks as the job description requires, and leaves in the evening. When I worked, I was able to do my job efficiently and exceptionally because I worked – all day long, I worked. I had a schedule, I kept it.


Homemade Dog Food

My puppy, Cybil, is obsessed with our food. She snatches it out of kids’ hands, off of the counter, off of the table – it’s a constant fight to keep her down and away from food. I thought that maybe making her dog food out of our leftovers would break her obsession. It did work some, but not entirely, but there has been an improvement. Nevertheless, I’ve made the homemade dog food part of our daily routine. Both of the dogs clean their bowls every time. I had at one time thought to replace the dry dog food I buy entirely; however, I really just supplement with the homemade.

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Love & Marriage

When God said, ” It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him,” (Genesis 2:18) there are two Hebrew words that could have been used for “not good.” One is ‘ên tôb, which means that something is lacking. As in, this coffee is lacking cinnamon, or these mashed potatoes are lacking salt. The other is lõ’tôb, which means positively bad. As in, it is positively bad that man is alone, so I will make for him a helper.


The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 5 – His Affection

While I feel strong feelings of love and devotion to my husband, to whom I am certainly emotionally attached, I am not an overly affectionate person. I think there was a time when I once was, when I was younger, but circumstances and situations can strip tendencies away. Over time, I’ve become very stoic about most things. I am not overly emotional ever, I don’t react emotionally, and I’m not really a reach out and hug kind of person.

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3 Chores You Should Do Every Morning

I accomplish these tasks before I even pour my first cup of coffee in the morning. These three chores will take less than 10 minutes out of your entire morning, but they will make a world of difference in how your home feels, and will help set the tone for the entire day.

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Clean Sweep

Spring cleaning made a lot of sense for centuries. When homes were heated with wood or coal, the winter heating season brought a build-up of soot and ash on walls, furniture, and fabrics. Spring cleaning marked the end of the heating season, when the entire house was aired and scrubbed clean, when windows could be opened and the winds of spring would blow through the house, refreshing it.


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