Homemade Dog Food
Homemade Dog Food
My puppy, Cybil, is obsessed with our food. She snatches it out of kids’ hands, off of the counter, off of the table – it’s a constant fight to keep her down and away from food. I thought that maybe making her dog food out of our leftovers would break her obsession. It did work some, but not entirely, but there has been an improvement. Nevertheless, I’ve made the homemade dog food part of our daily routine. Both of the dogs clean their bowls every time. I had at one time thought to replace the dry dog food I buy entirely; however, I really just supplement with the homemade.
1 quart leftovers
2 cups oats
3 cups dried beans
2 cups brown rice
large stock pot
covered container for storage
I keep a quart-sized container in the refrigerator and just put leftovers and plate scrapings in it every time I do dishes. I’ve put everything from the fish heads from preparing fish to leftover PB&J sandwiches.
Put leftovers in the pot.
Add the oats and beans.
Cover with water.
Add 2 cups rice.
Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to simmer. Cook for 3-4 hours.
Let cool. Place in container (I have a 2 gallon bucket with a lid) and store in refrigerator or freezer.
2 gallons
I would love to hear any feedback about this recipe. Did you make it? Did your animals enjoy it? Did you make any adjustments to it?
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Looking at what you put in the pot, I would be wary of putting things like fruit in there. Dogs don’t process sugar as well as humans do and fruit is sugary. Please also read this list of foods toxic to dogs: http://www.entirelypets.com/toxicfoods.html It includes common foods like onions, grapes, garlic, mushrooms, and baby food.
Yes! I have changed what goes in there now – someone else gave me that link when I said that I was doing dog food from leftovers. I just never took any new pictures. Thank you!
I’ve thought of making homemade dog food, but not because my dog wants my food but for health reasons. Have you watched the dog whisperer? Your dogs are obviously the pack leaders so they think they can take your food. Once they respect you as the leader, they won’t think of it. I’ve never had a problem with my dog.
Looks like they enjoyed the yummy new food!