Those of you who have followed this blog and read Gregg’s Creation Posts won’t be surprised to learn that we are lifetime members of The Creation Museum. But, it’s been a busy year with my book writing and releasing and signings, and we haven’t been there since Christmas for their Christmas Town exhibit. So deciding to go there was an easy decision.
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Here’s the menu for my family for the week of July 4th. As far as desserts go, we’re going to make some Traditional Sugar Cookies cut out in star shapes for the Independence Day holiday. I’m also going to try some desserts that incorporate squash — because I have a plethora of squash and want to do something other than saute it. We’re leaving for Glen Eden Youth Center on Friday, so I’ll be making some granola bars and cookies to take with us for snacking there.
Pin ItIt took me more time making a decision about which flowers I wanted on this wreath than it did for me to put it together. No kidding, five minutes after I laid out the supplies, I was hanging the wreath on my door. Buying everything new (including the wreath – but, really, you only need one for the entire year), the total cost was $25.
George Washington wrote a letter to the governors of the 13 states on the occasion of his retirement from the command of the Continental Army and his removal from public life. In the letter, Washington said that he wanted the governors to convey his words to their legislatures and that he hoped it would be regarded as coming from someone who always wished to be useful to his country, and who, in the shade of retirement, would not fail to “implore divine benediction upon it.”