What to Do on a Rainy 4th
Gregg was off work for the Independence Day holiday. Kings Island in Cincinnati had free admission for all military personnel, so earlier in the week we thought we’d take the boys there. In Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio yesterday, it rained. And rained. And rained. Consequently, Kings Island was out.
Those of you who have followed this blog and read Gregg’s Creation Posts won’t be surprised to learn that we are lifetime members of The Creation Museum. But, it’s been a busy year with my book writing and releasing and signings, and we haven’t been there since Christmas for their Christmas Town exhibit. So deciding to go there was an easy decision.
We LOVE the Creation Museum. And, we were thrilled that the planetarium show is a new one. Gregg was also really excited to see The Lucy Exhibit (and will probably surface for at least one more post on Creation after yesterday’s visit).
The only thing we were sad about was not originally planning the trip. If we’d planned ahead of time, we would have gotten there in time to hear Ken Hamm speak at noon. We actually got there about 1PM.
After touring the museum, we love the book store. It is truly one of my favorite Christian book stores ever. I bought myself a present yesterday, too. As a Christian romance author who loves God, loves the Bible, and loves writing, you can imagine how awesome this wall plaque is to me. It is going to be hanging right next to my desk:
How did you spend your 4th?
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Oh, I do miss Gregg’s creation posts, even though they make me sputter and fume and gnash my teeth every single time! But they’ve given me a lot of great mental stimulation in the past.
(Lucy’s not my favorite topic, so even if he does post I may not have a response.)
He misses it, too! He just has zero time. It’s amazing what being home with children and wife will do to a man’s free time – lol.