It is a fact that Darwinists eagerly desire evidence that man descended from an apelike ancestor, so much so that they often manufacture the evidence. The fact is that more than a century and a half of searching has not revealed this to be the case, even though millions of fossils have been dug out of the ground and examined by some of the brightest minds on planet earth.
Author: Gregg
Logic dictates that if Peking Man were an intermediate sub-human species, one of man’s evolutionary ancestors, that lived for even a few hundred generations, there should be abundant fossil remains available today.
Pin ItFinally, in 1953 and after nearly 40 years, Joseph Weiner and Kenneth Oakley applied the recently developed fluorine test to the bones—and found that Piltdown Man was a complete hoax. Someone had intentionally taken an ape jaw and combined it with a fragment of human skull bone, filed the teeth somewhat, and then carefully stained the entire “specimen” so that the bones looked both ancient and appeared to be a matching set.
Pin ItA recent comment made it clear to me that I had not covered my reasons for calling Darwinism a religion in enough detail. I will recap those reasons here, for the record, and then continue the series of “Pious Frauds” committed by the Darwinian faithful.
Pin ItCiting Neanderthal as a transitional form between ape and man? The fact is that so called “Neanderthals” were 100% human beings, as human as you or I, who happened to have various perfectly explainable health conditions. Painting them as half-man/half-apes, or a “separately evolved” race of hominids is simply unsubstantiated, misleading, and fraudulent.
Pin ItFar from being indisputable, both the validity and the relevance of Java Man remains in serious and continuous dispute and, like Nebraska man, shares a heritage rich in fraud.
Pin ItIf Darwinists were so obviously right, why all the Pious Fraud? Why ANY fraud at all? Why not let facts lead to unavoidable conclusions? Why add lies, misdirection, obfuscation, mendacity, fraud, and fabrication to the argument? Why is that necessary? What is the meaning of that? What do you suppose the intent, is?
Pin ItFrom 1972 until about 1999, more than 98% percent of all DNA, was called “Junk DNA” by molecular biologists who were unable to ascribe any function to it. Again, an argument from incredulity or an argument from ignorance, depending on the context.
Pin ItVestigial structures are probably the best example of Darwinian reliance upon circular reasoning to “prove” their alleged point, that point being that Darwinian evolution is “true.” Vestigial organs are also a very good example of intentional and continuing fraud perpetrated by Darwinists.
Pin ItThis is the inaugural post of a new Creation series. The next series of posts will review some of the more blatant frauds committed by Darwinists in the name of their religion, that being secular humanism.
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