I cook dinner for my church family on Wednesday nights. This last week, I had cherry pie on the menu for dessert. When I started baking Wednesday morning, I realized that I didn’t have any aluminum pie tins, and I only own two glass pie plates. Having no desire to venture out to the store, I improvised and made a square pie.
Pin ItMonth: February 2014
I’m going to write a book about managing a home with tips, tricks, encouragement, etc., from all of those angles. It’s still brewing. It won’t be until after summer before I can work on it (unless other things go faster than I expect.) But, I’d like to include testimonies from other wives/moms/homemakers out there who manage their home and other aspects of their lives…
I’ve been updating my bio this week. I think between me, Gregg, and our editor, it’s been re-written about five times. Here is the final version:
Hallee Bridgeman is a best-selling Christian author who writes action-packed romantic suspense focusing on realistic characters who face real world problems. Her work has been described as everything from refreshing to heart-stopping exciting and edgy…
I used to make Honey Oatmeal Bread for our daily bread use. It is SO DELICIOUS and you honestly have never tasted toast as good as this bread makes toast. However, it doesn’t do well for most sandwiches — it’s a little too sweet and a little too crumbly. So, in researching writing The Walking Bread, I came across a new recipe that I tried out. I have to say – I’ve never had homemade whole wheat bread that is this moist and this wonderful.
I LOVE this recipe. I modified it from the original recipe – using a fresh ground mixture of hard red and hard white wheat, removing any call for white flour, and replacing brown sugar with raw honey. It made the recipe even better, in my opinion…
Pin ItI LOVE Biblical science, and her upcoming release is Adam’s Animals – Fun Facts about God’s Creation, a children’s activity book that features more than 40 animals mentioned in the Bible and little-known facts about each! I am going to get this entire collection for my 5 & 7 year-old sons.
Kimberly is also giving away a copy of Trees of the Book – Learning from God’s Creation ( http://amzn.to/1hoCogt ) to one commenter on this post! Thank you, Kimberly!…
I’ve had this post on my “to write” list for a while now. I’ve just been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to write it. Two years ago, the motor burned out in my Kitchenaid mixer. Now, my mixer is an EXPENSIVE one. It’s this one. Getting it in the nickel instead of another color added nearly $100 to the price, and I think we paid almost $600 for it (though I notice today, in finding the link, that Kitchenaid has it on sale.)…
This week, the author interviewed is a children’s book author, and her book is a Christian Children’s Book that comes with resources. It also has a curriculum with it. Knowing my Hallee the Homemaker audience, I knew you’d love this interview and would want a chance to win this book…
Pin ItI don’t just write romance novels. I write Christian romance novels. So, my stories have to go beyond the “typical” romance novel and focus on two major points of love: Eros, which is the Greek term for romantic love; and Agape, which is the Greek term for the perfect love of God.
How important is love?
1 Corinthians 13 informs us that without love, we are nothing and have nothing. We can have faith to move mountains or knowledge of all things in the universe but without love, we are nothing. We can spend our very lives in service and sacrifice but without love, it isn’t useful or profitable. The remainder of the chapter informs us very accurately about the nature of love.
When I write, I have to have the romantic arc – the romantic story between the male protagonist and the female protagonist. And, I also have to write on the spiritual arc – the love the two main characters have or learn to have for God. In this genre, if you leave out one of those arcs, you pretty much have an incomplete story.
The more I delve into writing about love – about eros and agape love, the more the two intertwine…