MSG on Fresh Produce?
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Don’t consume it. Read labels and make sure that nothing you feed your family contains MSG. Among other horrible things (along with damaging the retinas in eyes, causing obesity, messing with the reproductive system) is that it’s a neurotoxin. That means that it’s poison for the brain.
A percentage of the population has an immediate adverse reaction to MSG upon consuming it. My sister is one of those people. When she eats MSG, she gets horribly ill. When she eats something new and has a reaction, she immediately reads the label of the package and finds what new name they’re calling MSG to hide it (which happens ALL THE TIME – click the link to see all the MSG names.) And, it’s in everything, from Doritos chips to Campbell’s soups and everything in between.
Most recently, she’s had a reaction to fresh produce from Wal-Mart. Now, I’m not saying that Wal-Mart is spraying their produce with MSG to make it have a longer shelf life because I don’t know that they are and an internet search revealed nothing either way. I just know that my sister, who is highly sensitive to MSG, can’t eat fresh produce from Wal-Mart.
So, take what you want from that and be careful about the source of what you purchase from where.
Instead of a mega department store grocery chain, local farmers markets are probably the best choices for shopping for produce.
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I read all the food labels that come into my home to make sure there are no MSG’s or Nitrates/Nitrites. Can you give us some of the other names that MSG could be listed as?
Definitely! I updated the post to include this link: Truth in Labeling: Hidden MSG Names
Thanks and WOW!
Girl, I could hug you. LOL I’m SO anti-Walmart.
Is your sister sensitive to cheese or milk? She might have a sensitivity to glutamate in general. I know someone in which this is the case; it doesn’t matter whether it is monosodium glutamate or regular glutamate. Just a thought.
Our bodies do need glutamate (the natural kind found in milk/cheese/etc) to produce proteins. Breastmilk has 10 times more glutamate than cow’s milk. The high levels in processed foods is another story, of course. We make a lot of home-made alternatives to the packaged stuff to avoid the unnaturally produced MSG.
Thanks for the info about “hidden names”. We’ll be using this for sure!
I was reading on line about these sprays. According to my reading the EPA has ordained spraying the main ingredient found in MSG, which causes reactions and is neurotoxic, sice 1988. Not sure why your sister is reacting now after all this time, but perhaps it is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back and the yearly accumulation is taking its toll. Another thought is that more is being added for higher yield.
Good information – thank you.