My Playlist
I recently saw a friend on Facebook talk about loading a playlist for a long run, including songs from the 80’s movie The Breakfast Club, some current top 20, and a couple of Christmas songs. It occurred to me as I read that how weird not “normal” I am.
I love to run. Since I was a teenager, I have used jogging long distances as a form of exercise. But, when I first started running, I didn’t have a “new fangled” Walk-Man to use when I ran. Consequently, I ran with no noise being pumped into earphones.
I never did, until recently. Last year, Gregg got me an iTouch with a case that straps to my arm, allowing me to wear it and listen to it when I ran. But, honestly, music bored me. I couldn’t get into running with it, and I didn’t use it.
While Gregg was home on leave one time, he loaded my iTouch with podcasts of my favorite preachers. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that I LOVE running and listening to a sermon! My favorite is Alistair Begg – but I’ve listened to all sorts of things from Dave Ramsey episodes to chapters from The Word of Promise Bible — a dramatized audio Bible with sound effects.
I get caught up in listening and forget how far I’ve run or how long I’ve been running. I look forward to my run every morning with the thought of , “What will I learn while I jog today?”
See? Rather geeky and weird not “normal”.
What’s on your playlist?
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I do not think you are weird. I listen to sermons when I do yoga every night. I started going that because I needed to do two things at the same time. I love doing my yoga that way.
Not at all geeky. Time well spent. I listen to sermons and religious movies on my train ride to and/or from work with my cd player or personal dvd player my husband got for me last year. Philippans 4:8
When I used to run (before I busted both my knee caps) I would listen to Dave Ramsey podcasts….but everyone expects that from me. :-)
I am a music fan, but Bill definitely does audiobooks and podcasts. I have to have something with a beat that is close to my running pace. :)
This is the station that’s on in the car(s):
Preaching, music, etc. It’s pretty good. It’s a “local” station but they have online radio.
I have a lot of Christian rock (Thousand Foot Krutch, Red, Disciple, etc) because the girls love it. I also have Chris Tomlin, Steven Curtis Chapman, Kutless, . . . I have a long list. I like sermons but I’m a music person.
Aww no. Allistar? Really? He is my husband’s favorite preacher and mine is Irwin Lutzer. We often “argue” about the best preacher — is that normal? ;)
That made me smile.