Wordless Wednesday: That Cultural Phenomenon Otherwise Known as ‘Planking’
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My teenage sister is really into that too! I don’t really get it!
I can’t even imagine doing it – HAHA!
OMG- I just snorted. You could start a linky just on that!
Ha ha. What is the deal with planking? I haven’t heard of it. I must be living under a rock.
I hadn’t heard of it, either, until Kaylee told me she’d done it. She had to explain it to me.
That’s so funny. I saw an engagement photo shoot this week that included planking.
OMG! I have a 13yod who introduced me to this, also. LOL In fact, a couple weeks ago when we went camping all four of my kids were “planking” everywhere–on a park bench, on the walking bridge, even on top of the jungle gym. I think my husband even got into the action at one point. I don’t really “get it” either, but it was certainly hilarious watching them!!!!
Misti in MO
PS If your daughter would like a penpal, I’m sure my daughter would love it! She’s into fashion and planking, too, so they already have some things in common. LOL
I didn’t know that you guys have Publix in Kentucky! Yes, that’s the first thing I noticed about the picture. I worked for them for 4.5 years. :)
I’m 22 and I don’t “get” the whole planking thing. I must be living under a rock, too!
Check out rank my plank.com… too funny
We don’t! (bummed about that, too) – she was in your neck of the woods, visiting her dad. :-)
That’s a perfect Plank too! Has she tried Owling yet?
Definitely a perfect plank!
I am so tempted, but afraid I would hurt something… hahaha
Gotta love our creative fads.