Month: January 2011

Menu Monday 24 JAN 11

Here’s the menu for my family for the week of January 24th. For most of January, I’ve been traveling or recovering from traveling. As I type this, it’s Monday morning and I’m tired of eating out (and gaining weight), scrambling to get one suitcase unpacked and laundry done in order to get another suitcase packed, and desperate to get my household back on schedule. I have no plans to travel until at least the first weekend in March, and at best the first week of April. I need to make granola bars (which, in searching for the recipe to link for you, I strangely do not have one – that will be corrected as soon as possible), my whole wheat crackers jar is empty, and the cake plate is barren. My household is in a bit of disarray, but this week will correct that and the future will maintain that.

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Giveaway Game: Name That Restaurant

We started off taking these pictures with the intent of having a fun game on Facebook, a way to interact with you while I was in Kuwait. But the more we took, the more we realized that some of these would actually be rather challenging, and decided to make it a giveaway.


My Reading List

Hi. If you read my blog with any kind of regularity, you’ll know that my husband has been in Afghanistan for the last almost two years, and that he and I met in Kuwait on Tuesday and are spending the week together in a wonderful time of aloneness. That is only significant to right now because…I forgot to pack my Vicki Courtney’s 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter book, and I didn’t read the next chapter yet…

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