Budgeting Spreadsheet
When Gregg first left for Afghanistan, he created a household bank account for me. With this account, I buy all of the groceries, gasoline, birthday presents, shoes, clothes — whatever we need within the household, I pay for with this account. It is a set amount – a percentage of Gregg’s paycheck – and as he has gotten promotions and raises, so has this account.
One of the first things I did was create a budget. I created a Microsoft Excel Worksheet and listed anything on which I would likely spend money: food, sundries, dining out, gasoline, etc. Once I did that, I figured what I might spend in a month’s time and set a budget. Once I had the monthly budget, I multiplied each number by 12 and came up with the annual budget. So, I created a worksheet within this spreadsheet that had the annual budget numbers. I work with an annual number, because, for instance, my birthday gift budget is $50 per month. However, there are months that I don’t spend $50, and there are months that I do spend $150 — but what I want to look at is the annual expenditures and budgets.
Within that same workbook/spreadsheet, I created another worksheet for each month of the year. I listed the budget items across the top (groceries, gasoline, sundries, etc.) in each column, and had the rows free for the name of the store and the amount spent on each budget item. If I bought $26 worth of groceries and $2 worth of dish detergent at the same store, then the total $28 bill would be broken down between groceries and sundries. The final column was a total for that specific bill.
On the bottom of this monthly worksheet, I listed the monthly budgets for each item and what my totals were. I did this for a quick glance to know where I sat with each item, and also so that I could then take those totals and put them in the annual budgeting worksheet.
The annual budgeting worksheet is really where the information is useful. It gives me year-to-date expenditures and tells me how much is left in my budget. I have formulas inserted so that whenever I input a number at the top of the monthly worksheet (ABC Groceries for $52.00 grocery expense) all of the other worksheets update automatically. I don’t have to do any more work than that single receipt entry.
I keep every single receipt – even if I’ve just bought a pack of gum. I have a nail spindle where I stick the receipts, and every couple of days, I go through them and enter my spending into this worksheet. It has become a valuable tool in managing my household.
It is so exciting to be in a new year, with a fresh budget, blank spreadsheets, and no over-limit red numbers in my Excel spreadsheet file!
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I’d love a copy of your spreadsheet too!
Going to settlement on our first home purchase on Friday! I would love a copy of your spreadsheet if possible? I’m going to have to keep a tight watch over our finances now that we are going from renting to a mortgage. Thanks!
Hi Hallee,
I would love a copy of your spreadsheet… It seems like the perfect setup for my needs…have been through so many and I don’t like any of them!
Would you please send me your budget spreadsheet? Thanks so much for making this available.
I would love a copy of this…hoping it will be just what I have been looking for to make my life a little easier. Thanks for sharing!
I would really love to have a copy of your spreadsheet. It looks exactly what I want and truly need. Thank you in advance!
I was wondering if there is anyway possible that I can get a hold of this budget spreedsheet. My son just got out of school and he spends money like no tomorrow at times. Thank you
Hallee, If it isnt to much trouble i would really appreciate it if you could send me your spreadsheet. I havent got the slightest clue where to start on making one. I have excel but i dont really know exactly how to use everything yet on it. Thank you so much if you dont mind.
Awesome spreadsheet! Would you be willing to share a copy? Happy New Year! Thank you!
Can you please send me the file?
Appreciate your time, diligence and heart to share!!
Love your spreadsheet! You did a great job!
Would you mind sending me a copy of it? I’ve tried and tried to make one i could work with..
and as hard as I tried it wasn’t what I wanted.
thanks so much
Your spreadsheet is wonderful! Would you mind sharing a copy with me? My email is
Thank you!
Hi, I would like to get the budgeting excel spreadsheet.
Thanks so much.
This is AMAZING!! Would you be willing to share your spreadsheet with me?
I’d love to be this organized and keep track of all my spending!