The Power of a Praying Wife: Admin – please respond
Would you be more inclined to participate in the Bible study if the comments were open on the posts and the questions were not over at Hallee’s Daily Brew, or do you just not want to participate openly?
I’m good either way. I know that the chapter posts are getting read, and I know that word about them is getting out as people Facebook and Tweet about them. I just want to make sure I’m meeting your needs as far as discussion goes, because as it stands the way we’re doing it, there is no discussion. If I need to change something, I’ll gladly change it.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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Actually, the reason I’m not participating so well is … I got wind of this late and am having a hard time actually getting to all the posts. … Also, I have no idea when a new one is posted:)
I have no idea at all where the discussion is supposed to be happening, either.
=( I’m afraid I’m probably not much help, eh?
Hollie: If you subscribe to my emails, then you should get an email some Saturday mornings with the post. Or, if you have Facebook, you can “like” Hallee the Homemaker. The discussions are linked at the end of every post.
Don’t worry about being late! I’m happy you’re here!
I’m not part of the group but I am part of the Bloom Book Club which is online (lead by a wife of a member of Selah and her friend) and they have a BlogFrog (?) set up and also a fan page on FB. They also make a weekly video (like you have time for that, it’s not like you do anything else. ;) )and post it on Sunday or Monday and we just comment either in the comments or on either of the other sites. It’s all kind of interconnected so it’s not too bad.
Well — I have my message board, which is what Blog Frog is, and a Facebook fanpage. So, two out of three ain’t bad. lol
LOL! :)
I do have to say that even in the group I’m a part of, there isn’t a lot of response reply wise. There are a select few who always respond but most people just read the book and then watch the video and take what they get from it w/o responding. Which is ok, some people get more out of it that way. I know I like sharing and discussion though. I think even if response/discussion isn’t super high, people still read comments and such and get something from it.