The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 16- His Priorities

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Matthew 6:33

I was very curious about the way Stormie Omartian addressed this chapter.  She basically said that if you (the wife) keep your husband a priority, then it will help him keep his priorities straight.  Then she spent the chapter explaining how to keep your husband a priority.

As much as I agree with keeping your husband a priority, I think that what he does and how he does it, where his heart is and his priorities lie, are not your responsibility or your burden to bear.  As with everything else, if your husband is not right where his priorities lie, then you can pray for him in that area and God will work in his heart.

Women’s minds work differently than men’s.  But our priorities should line up.  We just need to understand that we may look at those priorities from a different angle.  God should always top our list.  Following God, and second only to God, should be our spouse, followed by our children.  While a woman would look at those priorities and seek to care for her husband, spend time with her husband, nurture her children, protect her children – a man is going to look at those priorities and seek to provide for his family, doing what it takes and making sacrifices where needed in order to do that.

We need to understand that when our husbands work late, work weekends, bring work home, or, like in my circumstance, go 8,000 miles away in order to work to provide, then even if we feel like we aren’t a priority, it may be that we absolutely are.

So, as much as we need to pray for our husband’s priorities, we also will need to make sure that we understand what that means.  That when a man makes his wife a priority, it may be translated to mean that he works longer hours.  When he makes his children a priority, it may mean that he gives up some Saturdays off.

When a husband and wife each make God number one in their lives, then God will have an opening to work in their hearts and talk to them, redirect them when they need to be redirected, bless them when they need to be blessed.  If you find that your husband doesn’t take time to pray, read his Bible, worship God, commune with God – if he doesn’t sacrifice a tithe or fellowship with other men of God – then make that your area of concentrated prayer.

You should be second in his life.  If he regularly chooses time with friends over you, football games instead of family time, evenings out and away from you, then make that your area of concentrated prayer.  If he doesn’t want time with his children, interaction with them, teaching them, providing for them, then make that your area of concentrated prayer.

Let the Holy Spirit speak to you about how to interpret your husband’s actions and see what and how his priorities lie.  If there is an area that requires improvement, pray for him.

Read chapter 16 of The Power of a Praying Wife and consider the following discussion questions.  Comments have been turned off on this post and a discussion thread has been opened in Hallee’s Daily Brew.  You can reach it by following this link.

1.  Do you feel that your husband’s priorities are in order?  Explain.

2.  Do you feel that you are second only to God on your husband’s priority list?  How does that make you feel?

3.  Can you think of ways to set aside for you and your husband to spend some time alone, doing something that he would enjoy?

4.  Philipians 2:4 says, “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”  Does your husband look out for the interests of his family before himself?  Do you feel he puts the interests of other people before those of his own family?  Expain.  How does that affect your family?  Write a prayer about it.

5.  Read the prayer on page 129 of The Power of a Praying Wife.  Include specifics for you and your husband.


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