The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 9 – His Purpose

…who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began… 2 Timothy 1:9

I believe that God has a purpose for us.  I believe that ultimately, we will all know what our purpose was, and why we had certain situations, triumphs, defeats, etc.  I also believe that if we are not living within God’s perfect will for our lives, that we are not following our purpose, then we will feel restless, discontent, possibly even edge toward depression.

I can tell you when Gregg and I felt like everything clicked together what I felt like was perfectly in our lives.  So, it surprised me when Gregg said to me at one point, “I feel a bit like Jonah.”  He had been struggling against listening to God’s will.  He felt a little bit like he was running from it, about to drown because of it.  My immediate thought, knowing my husband, knowing his education, knowing his heart, was that he was running from a call to be a preacher.  This was compounded by his aunt telling me, not a week before, that she thought that Gregg had gone to Afghanistan to run from a call to preach.  And yet, a series of tough decisions, accepting of promotions that kept him away from home longer, discussing future endeavors, starting the Creation series on this blog — all of those are what brought about the calming of the cry in his heart that he wasn’t living according to his purpose, and really had nothing to do with preaching after all.

What that taught me is that it isn’t up to me (heh), and that all men aren’t all called into an active preaching ministry.  God has a unique and specific purpose for each of us.  And if our husbands are restless with the feel that they aren’t there, then it’s up to us to pray them through it.  Not to pray, “Dear God, please let my husband know it’s okay to quit his job and go to seminary.”  But to pray, “Dear God, fill my husband with the knowledge of his purpose.  Give him the tools he needs and fling open the doors and windows that will aid him in getting there.”

Read Chapter 9 of The Power of a Praying Wife and consider the following discussion questions.   Comments are turned off on this post, and the discussion has been created in Hallee’s Daily Brew by following this link:

1.  Do you have a sense of what your husband’s purpose in life is, or who God created him to be?  What is that?  If you don’t know, pray that God will show you.

2.  Does your husband have an understanding of God’s call on his life?  What is his understanding of it?  Do you feel your husband is fulfilling the call of God in his life and living in the purpose for which God created him?

3.  Psalm 20:4 says, “May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your purpose.”  Write out that scripture as a prayer, inserting your husband’s name.

4.  Have you sought God about the call on your life?  If so, what is it?  If not, pray that God will reveal it to you.  The call on your life and the call on your husband’s life will never be in conflict.  If they seem to be, as God to clarify that to you.  It may have to do with timing.  How do you see God working out His call on both your lives?

5.  If your husband is already moving in the call God has on his life, the enemy will try to cast doubt and discouragement into his soul.  Do you ever see that happening?  How can you support him in prayer to keep that from happening?

6.  Read the prayer out loud on pages 95-96.  Include specifics about your husband’s purpose and call.


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