The Garden – Week 10

I’m going to have to devote some time today to make some relish.  Cucumbers are taking over my refrigerator.  I also have 3 big gallon bags of green beans that I need to freeze.  I bought a new seal-a-meal – I’m excited to unbox it and put it to use!

Here is the garden this week:

The potatoes look less lush.  But, I don’t quite know how to know when they’re ready, so I’m going to do some research and see what I can find.

The herbs are still not anything I’m happy about.

The pumpkin seem to have slowed on their growth.  Which is a good thing.

The squash plants are starting to produce.  I’ve gotten 2 yellow squash and 1 zucchini so far.  There aren’t a lot of blooms, so I’m not certain if I’ll be bombarded with squash later in the season or not.

The honeydew are finally growing out of the watermelon.

Last week I was able to find a baby watermelon, but I can’t find it this week.  Lots and lots of blooms, though.

The corn has corn growing!

Green beans are taking over my house.  I’m going to steam them then freeze them in 8-ounce packages.

The peas have not done well, but what has been harvested are delicious.  I don’t think I took care of the plants properly, and they weren’t able to grow the way I had them.  I will definitely know better next year.

I have eggplant!  Despite some bug that insisted on eating all of the leaves into a lacy pattern, I have a baby eggplant growing!

Peppers are doing well.  I have a huge gallon sized bag of them that I’m trying to save for Gregg’s home coming next week.  I plan to stuff them and cook them.

There are some tomatoes starting to grow.

The cucumbers are insane.  I have so many to cook right now, and the plants just keep putting them out. I’ll make sweet relish, bread and butters, and some dill pickles out of them.  I have a cold pack method for making dill pickles that is so neat and so delicious.  I can’t wait to share it!

I was gone for 3 days, and the day after I got home it rained all day long. Consequently, there were some rather overgrown cucumbers the day I was finally able to pick them.  The yellow one will be turned into seed for next year.  Maybe some of the other two are salvageable, but likely not.

The carrots are doing well.

I have a big empty row next to the carrots that I believe I will use to plant some turnips.  Gregg’s cousin, who is a farmer, told me it’s not too late to get them in the ground.

Strawberries are ripening up.

The grapes are beautiful.  I can’t wait until the year they start producing.

The apple tree should be ready in another couple of weeks.

We will be gone for about 3 weeks this summer.  For the first time, we’re getting a house sitter instead of boarding the animals because of the garden!  It is wonderful to see it producing so abundantly.

How is your garden doing this week?


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