Wordless Wednesday: It’s That Time of Year
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Oooh, what are you canning?! :D
That’s a great WW thing for the season. I’m new here and will enjoy looking around your blog!
So far just sweet relish, bread and butters, and I froze some green beans. I’m waiting for corn, tomatoes, and carrots to be ready so I can can some soup, spaghetti sauce, stewed tomatoes, and ketchup!
If you had to suggest just one canning/preserving book for a newbie, which would it be?
One of two: The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving OR Preserving the Harvest.
Ball has more recipes, Preserving the Harvest is more user friendly. Both would be highly useful for anyone if they just had one.
Thank you! Border’s has a 50% off deal today and I wanted to use it to get a canning book in time for summer/ fall canning. :)