Food & Faith Challenge – Animals

I am so excited to be participating in the Faith and Food Challenge at The Local Cook.  From from now until June 26th Wendy Hammond is cooking her way through Simply in Season, a Mennonite cook book focusing on preparing fresh local foods.

Each week on The Local Cook, Wendy will post an article with Scripture, selected readings from Simply in Season, commentary from a guest poster, questions for reflection, and an activity or challenge for readers to complete in order to eat more locally and in season! She is also offering weekly giveaways.

Here is the Food and Faith Challenge schedule:

April 3: Where Does Your Food Come From?

The kick-off of the Food and Faith Challenge, with an article written by Wendy Hammond of  The Local Cook.

April 10: Creation (featuring a guest post by ME!!)
This week’s giveaway will be a set of organic cotton napkins from Litter Free Lunch

And today’s post:

Animals featuring an interview with Betsy Meerman of Grassfields Cheese

The rest of the schedule is as follows:

April 24: Health (featuring a guest post by Katie at Kitchen Stewardship)

May 1: Farm Workers (featuring a guest post by Angie at Powered by Produce)

May 8: Time (featuring a guest post by Heather at One Brick at a Time)

May 15: Bible and Food (featuring an interview with Amy at Homestead Revival)

May 22: Globalization

May 29: Money (featuring guest post by Michelle at Traditional Simplicity)

June 5: Fair Trade (featuring guest post by Donielle at Naturally Knocked Up)

June 12: Local Farms (featuring a guest post by Krista at The Garden Gourmet)

June 19: Advocacy (featuring an interview with Kate Kooyman of the Office of Social Justice of the Christian Reformed Church)
This week’s giveaway will be a pound of Brew Justice coffee.

June 26: Celebration (wrap up)

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