Real Food Face-Off 13: Lisa at Mama Says vs. Shelley at MAHM
I am honored to have participated in a Real Food Face-Off hosted by Katie at which concludes on March 9. There has been a schedule change! I am thrilled with this week’s team-up and with the upcoming bloggers!
I had my turn week before last and I must say I feel both humbled and honored to have been asked to participate. There have been some fantastic bloggers so far and there is only one more Face-off to go after today. This week it is Make a Home Mom (MAHM) up against Mama Says.
If you need to catch up, here is the intro and the completed face-offs so far:
The Original Announcement and Schedule
- Face-Off one: Ren at Edible Aria vs. Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife
- Face-Off two: Rachel at Titus 2 Homemaker vs. Wardeh at GNOWFGLINS
- Face-Off three: Kimberly at Hartke is Online! vs. Peggy at Local Nourishment
- Face-off four: Donielle at Naturally Knocked Up vs. Lindsay at Passionate Homemaking
- Face-off five: Ann Marie at Cheeseslave vs. Sarah at Sarah’s Musings
- Face-off six: Kelly the Kitchen Kop vs. Anne at Catholic Mommy Brain
- Face-off seven: Paula (aka Mother Hen) at The Chicken Coop vs. Jen at A Heavenly Perspective
- Face-off eight: Stephanie at Keeper of the Home vs. Carrie at Organic and Thrifty
- Face-off nine: Virginia at Living the Local Life vs. Kim at Homestead Acres
- Face-off ten: Me! Hallee the Homemaker vs. Mare at Just Making Noise
- Face-off eleven: Jenny at The Nourished Kitchen vs. Michelle at Find Your Balance
- Face-off twelve: Alex at Feed Me Like You Mean It vs. Raine at Agriculture Society
and today’s Face-Off:
Real Food Face-off thirteen: Shelley at MAHM vs. Lisa at Mama Says
The final Face-Offs in the schedule are…
- March 9, 2010: Face-off 14: Sally Fallon Morell, author of Nourishing Traditions vs. Shannon of Nourishing Days
- March 9, 2010: Face-off 15: SECRET FAMOUS FINISHER!
This is all very exciting. I have seriously enjoyed each installment, and seeing how similar and different my answers are to so many of these other bloggers who have similar loves and philosophies of food as I do. I love gleaning and learning and sharing information on eating healthy REAL FOOD. I hope that you enjoy it as well!
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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