How to Train Your Dragon

I have a good friend who works for Dreamworks, and he sent an email out about this movie earlier this week.  Among other things, he said,

I know that I am supposed to say this, since I helped to make it, in my own tiny way, but I can not help myself.  The new DreamWorks movie, “How To Train Your Dragon”, is the best animated movie that I have ever seen, and that includes ANY Pixar movie.  I have now seen the movie in its final form three times.  It literally gets better every single time.

I am not sending this to tell you all to go give your money to DreamWorks.  If I could send you and every one of your friends tickets, I would.  My goal is simply to encourage you to see it, on a big screen, and in 3D if you can.  3D is starting to get over its “look at me” phase and just become an immersion tool.

I literally just finished seeing it for the 3rd time, so I’m all hopped up.  I also wanted to say that this is a movie that every member of your household will enjoy,and to point out that it is not a scary movie.  [My 4-year-old daughter] loves it, and there were even younger kids at Sunday’s screening.

This friend has been working in movies since he graduated from college (and we’re getting old, so that’s pushing 15 years now).  This is THE FIRST time he has ever sent an email like this, which has really hyped me up to see it.

We never see a movie without reading the review provided by Plugged in Online.  Among this review of How to Train Your Dragon, they had this to say:

It’s worth mentioning, though, that Hiccup’s love for his dragon influences him to do some pretty inadvisable things. He keeps secrets and considers running away. He and his father come to a serious disagreement that threatens to ruin their relationship forever. So this isn’t a movie to leave your kids alone with. (Not that any movie is.) This is a movie that, if your family sees it, should be talked about afterward.

But I don’t think caution sinks the film’s soaring spirit. How to Train Your Dragon may actually be DreamWorks Animation’s best movie yet—a fun, thrilling Viking voyage that, in the end, is a simple yet salient story about a dragon and his boy.

It looks to me like this is a movie my boys will enjoy.  I’m looking forward to it!

If you and your kids have seen it, I’d love to hear about it, how they liked it, how you liked it.


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