Real Food Face-Off 6: Kelly the Kitchen Kop vs. Anne at Catholic Mommy Brain

I am honored to be participating in a Real Food Face-Off hosted by Katie at My turn hasn’t come up in the rotation yet, but there have been some fantastic bloggers participating so far.

If you need to catch up, here is the intro and the first five:

The Original Announcement and Schedule

  1. Face-Off one: Ren at Edible Aria vs. Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife
  2. Face-Off two: Rachel at Titus 2 Homemaker vs. Wardeh at GNOWFGLINS
  3. Face-Off three: Kimberly at Hartke is Online! vs. Peggy at Local Nourishment
  4. Face-off four: Donielle at Naturally Knocked Up vs. Lindsay at Passionate Homemaking
  5. Face-off five: Ann Marie at Cheeseslave vs. Sarah at Sarah’s Musings

and today’s Face-Off:

Real Food Face-off six: Kelly the Kitchen Kop vs. Anne at Catholic Mommy Brain

The upcoming schedule looks like this…

This is all very exciting. I am looking forward to each installment, and enjoying seeing how similar and different my answers are to so many of these other bloggers who have similar loves and philosophies of food as I do. I hope that you enjoy it as well!


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