Blizzard Bloghop Tour: Tour Four

The Blizzard BlogHop Tour

This is the fourth time I will act as tourguide on a whirlwind trip through the Blissdom Blizzard Bloghop.  This was SO much fun.  I’ll post about 10 tourspots a day in no particular order until we get through the list.  I regret that I had to skip a few. If a linked blog  was too “edgy” then I couldn’t make it a tour spot.  If I skipped you, please don’t take it personally.

That said, help yourself to coffee or hot chocolate.  We ask that you turn off your cellphones or set them to vibrate during the tour so as not to disturb the people next to you.  Grab some warm (but still stylish) shoes, and your purse of course, and since it’s a blizzard maybe a matching scarf and gloves, and let’s go hopping.

Hop on up and meet Tina, who is Floundering to become less domestically challenged.  Tina is loving mother to two daughters, ages 2 years and 4 months. Since the eldest was a preemie, I am sure Tina and I could swap NICU stories sometime. Even though Tina’s blog is fairly new, I am excited to see how it is shaping up. The word that best describes it so far is “eclectic” I think as characterized in the header image. I’ve only been blogging for 6 months, myself, so I was excited to find the Friday Follow through Tina’s blog, and might participate in that in the future. It’s sort of like a mini-bloghop you do every Friday.

Meet preacher’s kid and literacy fan Christi at Blah Blah Blog.  I love the cleverness of that title.  I love clever.  Love it. Christi and Chris are parents to two strapping lads ages 8 and 6 and they are expecting to add another brand new son anytime.  She is a teacher diligently working toward her Master’s and describes herself as unashamedly Christian. Christie also maintains a seperate online ministry which includes daily devotions.   I enjoyed reading this short vignette about loud car music.

Colossians 3:23 is the welcome mat at our next stop. Meet Cherie at Heart and Soul Reflections The first thing I noticed about Cherie is that her faith is an integral part of her life and I am excited to visit and catch up on how her walk with God is going. The next thing I noticed is her lovely family from her dashing husband to her 3 simply beautiful girls. This is a fairly new blog, but it looks like it is going to develop nicely. Cherie is a scrapper which is something I have always wished I could carve out time in my schedule to do. I love clever and I was deeply impressed with the cleverness and thrift of this craft project.

Allow John 1:16, Psalms 119:11 and the Corinthians to welcome you and settle into a really impressive blog. Hop over to  meet almost newlywed Courtney Kirkland at Make Me A Blessing. Courtney married her “Coastie” husband (that’s Coast Guard for you civilians) in April of 2008. They are currently stationed in Tampa Bay and they have a beautiful baby boy. Courtney describes herself as a 20-something Bible reading, book reviewing, aspiring novelist. Thanks to this blog, I have found Wifey Wednesdays so be on the lookout for some participation in the future. I hope we can exchange some recipes in the future as well.

Next hop is Shannon aka MominIN (Mom in Indiana) at the Peer Review who stays busy being a Pastor’s wife and mom to FIVE (5) wonderful children. A quick description of the blog is ministry and homemaking with a dash of homeschool and photography. I really enjoyed the short and simple dare in her Building Our Marriage Challenge series and will certainly be back for a peek.  Also, I will definitely be snooping through her recipes.

Speaking of recipes, meet Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie who is a graduate student in Minneapolis. Despite chasing her MBA, Jennifer maintains two blogs, the other being Today is My Someday with a focus on seizing the day. At her Foodie blog, Jennifer shares recipes, restaurant/book/cookbook/product reviews, and entertaining tips and tales of her experiences in the kitchen.

The tour is halfway over. Just five more blogs to go, on today’s tour schedule. See if you can detect the common thread as we finish up.

Meet Megan and Mr. C. and guess what? Her hubby is Air Assault qualified.  I was intrigued by a few things on this blog. First, 3-D Cookies and second and more importantly, cupcake Kabobs.   If you think I’m above stealing that idea, you don’t know me very well at all.  I would love to have Megan and Mr. C over for dinner next time they find themselves in Kentucky.  I have a feeling we would get along famously.  I know this because our husbands would compare chest lettuce while she and I discussed how agonizing chick flicks can be and compared notes on our favorite classic movies (with Casablanca leading my list!)

Next is Alia at Yellow Ribbon Diary and she describes herself as a 20 something Christian wife, mother of 2 (a son and a daughter), serious scrapbooker, and wannabe Martha Stewart. This is a love story I can’t wait to unravel. She and her husband met in middle school! Her blog is pretty new so I will have to wait. Thanks to Alia, I found Wives of Faith.  I can completely relate to this mommy story.   So much in common.

Hop over to Sing in the Rain with Kathryn and Jonathan. Kathryn is a 23 year old Christian military wife and they are expecting their first baby, Adam Jonathan, in mid-June. Kathryn is a book reviewer and an aspiring writer who promises to occasionally post writing exercises in order to solicit feedback. I can help with that, I think. Kathryn also maintains Kathryn’s Easy Recipes from which I plan to shamelessly steal, although I will give credit where due as always.

Hop on over and get romanced at 3000 Miles in Love.  Ian’s active duty Air Force stationed in Korea. Teri’s active duty Air Force stationed in California. Their love spans 3000 miles. Her blog is pretty new, but I think I am going to like what this young lady has to say.

Before we get to our final tour stop, I have to tell you the theme for my kitchen is coffee. I have coffee wallpaper and border, functional coffee towel holders above the stove and a functional coffee apron hook, and whimsical coffee signs. This is one of them.

Now, meet Mrs. Muffins. High School sweethearts, Nicole has been in a state of holy matrimony with her Marine hubby whose nickname is “Muffins” since December of 2005. Together, they are parents to 9 month old daughter, Riley, who they call mini-Muffin. Marine Muffins is presently serving in Iraq but will be home early this year. Mrs. Muffins proclaims her vegetarianism in the simple phrase, “The only animals I eat are animal crackers.”  While I am not a fan of unfermented soy, I am definitely on-board with her exercise program.  And the coffee sign?  That’s Nicole’s logo.  I love it.

Okay, everyone!  That concludes today’s tour.  I hope you enjoyed it and I encourage you to visit these awesome, inspiring, funny, and interesting blogs.  If you like what these ladies do, don’t be shy about leaving them a comment.  Comments are the currency that rewards the blogger’s soul. Happy hopping everyone!


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