And the Winner Is…

I realize this isn’t as flashy as my past giveaways.  My daughter is in Florida with her dad, and my husband arrives from Afghanistan at 10:30 tomorrow morning.  So, a friend of mine offered to come pick up my boys and take them to her house for pizza and chocolate chip cookies, giving me time to have some pampering that didn’t require me to listen out for crying over the monitor or some boy walking in and out of the bathroom.

As she left, I realized that I hadn’t done the giveaway, and had no lovely and/or handsome assistant in which to help me.

So, I got boring on you.  I counted the comments, not including the two I made in response to people, and used to generate the answer.

There were 23 comments total.  And the winner is:

Commenter number 10!


You have won:

I hope listening to the The Word Becomes Flesh blesses you in the New Year.

I will be contacting you via email to request your mailing address.

God bless you and thank you so much for participating in this month’s giveaway.


I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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