November Awareness

November is Prematurity Awareness Month. Globally, nearly 13 million babies worldwide are born prematurely each year, and more then one million die. To see information about prematurity, please click this link
My sons were both born via emergency c-section. Pregnancy does bad things to my body, and after each one of them were born, I had to spend a few days in the ICU struggling to survive myself. While Johnathan was born at 36 weeks at a healthy 6 lbs. 5 ounces, as he took his first breath, his left lung, not ready for oxygen, collapsed. He spent a week in the NICU.

His older brother, Scott, was born at 30.5 weeks. He was only 3 lbs. 5 oz. at birth, and spent the next 4 weeks and 1 day in first the NICU, then in the PICU. He was amazing. Every time the doctors said it would take weeks for him to pass a hurdle, he’d fly over it the next day and be ready for the next challenge. The nurses jokingly called him “whimpy white boy” but there wasn’t anything whimpy about him. He stood fast and strong against all of the odds and game out of it glowing.
For the month of November, March of Dimes is selling “virtual wristbands” as a fundraiser to help fund research to find the causes of premamture birth, develop preventions, and support families with a premature or very sick baby in the NICU.
I’ve created a bracelet for Scott. I’ve not set a goal and I’m not having a contest. I just want to make you aware of it. This link here will take you to Scott’s bracelet. Or, if you have a premature baby in your life you can use the first link and click the “find a band” or “create a band” under the image of the purple band.
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I did not know it was Prematurity Awareness Month. It is also Diabetes Awareness Month, which as you can imagine is a cause near and dear to my heart.
You are such a strong woman and I am proud to call you my friend. I still remember being worried about you and Scott and then again when it was getting closer to time for JEB. Your strength still amazes me!
Big hugs to you!
Thank you so much, Jacque. You are strong in your own right, my friend. I remember Logan getting so sick and finding out about his diabetes and how scary it was and still is. Talk about strong! How funny you should post here. As I found out about this month and I was preparing this post, for some reason, Logan crossed my mind. Modern medicine is such a gift from God. Both of us would have lost our precious boys with out it.