My Awesome Husband’s Love Language ♥
About a year ago, Gregg and I read Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. It made such perfect and total complete sense that it COMPLETELY changed how we approach loving each other and our marriage. Even if you think you have a wonderful marriage, I would highly recommend this book to anyone. In fact, it is now a standard bridal shower and/or wedding gift for us to give out.
In it we learned, among many other things, that Gregg’s love language is giving gifts. Lucky me, you might be thinking. :) However, my love language is not receiving gifts, so he’s still forced to step outside of his comfort zone. But that doesn’t stop him from raining the love down on me in his way.
My flash on my camera broke a couple of weeks ago, so I’ve been kind of limited in taking pictures in the kitchen for this blog. I got a box in the mail today. in it I found this:
Can you see the awesome pinkness?
It came with this – the coolest tripod I’ve ever seen:
More pinkness. :)
But that’s not even the coolest. Check this out:
A PURPLE video camera!
He told me that he ordered these for my blog.
Look out blogging world, nothing can stop me now!
I love my husband. ♥
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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awwww. kudos to you gregg!!!! :)
How wonderful your husband is. Your strong bond is so encouraging to any couple! Congratulations to you both!
love the pinkness and the purpleness! i was going to say that im not the only mom of boys that likes to purposely get these things just to have them in my life, then i rememberd you have a daughter!
very cool! I want a pink camera :) Too bad they dont make SLR’s pink (at least not in my brand lol)
What a wonderful (and deeply thoughtful to think of the colors!) hubby you have!!
I read The Five Love Languages back in 1997 when trying to save my then dying -after 13 yrs- marriage. I couldn’t do it, but I learned so much from that book that it has made this marriage so much more wonderful!
The book gave me an amazing insight into relationships in general (including what my kids’ love languages are as they developed!) That is truly one of my most favorite books!! I loaned mine out to a friend in 2002, and haven’t seen it since! I would love to re-read that book, just as a refresher, and to have another copy to “share”.
The book’s impact on me hit so deep, that I still remember most of the languages in the book. I remind myself of the differences in each of us when the hubby and I seem to get lost in our own worlds of apparent abandonment when our lives get too busy to take time for each other.
I need to get another copy as my son’s are 17 1/2 and 22 yrs old, and will need this information when they are involved in relationships… they will need to know about how the love tank gets a little empty and occasionally needs to be refilled! So many marriages can be saved if everyone knows what their own love language is and what their partner’s is.
Thank you for this post… I hope many people seek out this book and learn that we’re not just from Venus and Mars… we all have an inner love language!
Keep on keepin’ on! You’re amazing!