There are numerous facts that tend to point to the conclusion that our world is quite young. This post will focus on some of the evidences from beneath the surface.
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As I said last Sunday, vast amounts of time don’t prove Darwinism. However, short amounts of time, young ages, directly refute Darwinism. Today, I will continue to present some facts about the age of the earth and the universe in which we exist. While opinions can vary pretty vastly, the fact is that there are numerous factual evidences that our world is quite young.
Pin ItVast amounts of time don’t prove Darwinism. However, the converse does not follow. Short amounts of time, young ages, directly refute Darwinism. This is why Darwinists have worked so hard over the last half century to make anyone who believes earth and the universe to be, in fact, rather young look like a quack, a nut, or someone with an agenda.
Pin ItBecause of the Hubble Constant, their math doesn’t even work out anymore. There are stars that are moving far too fast; stars that are far too distant, stars that are far too bright; etc., ad nauseam. Informed scientists know this. Many have abandoned the accepted theories and are in dedicated pursuit of the truth. Many others refuse to do so because of the metaphysical implications alternative theories present. The latter group has the loudest voice.
Pin ItThere are two main categories of problems with the Big Bang theory, the currently accepted theory of how the universe and all space, time, and matter came into existence. First, there are some clear logical problems. Second, there are thousands of scientific problems. The theory stands in clear violation of physical laws and celestial mechanics.
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