Tag: Sauces

Honey French Salad Dressing

I love making my own salad dressing. I haven’t bought packaged dressing in a long time. This is one of my all time favorite dressings. The first time I made it, I ate salad at every opportunity just so that I could have this dressing. It is tangy with just the right flavoring. I love the garlic mixed with the honey.

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Homemade Catsup

When I get to working fast in the kitchen, I forget that often I should be taking pictures for posts for recipes. This is one of those occasions. I had a lot going on in my kitchen the day that I made this catsup, and I was finishing it up when I realized I should have been documenting the process. Consequently, I apologize, but I will tell you that this is an incredibly flavorful condiment. I will forever use it for our homemade catsup (or ketchup, as my spell check prefers!)

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