I have suffered many losses. I talked about them in my post The Reversal. With these two recent 20-week losses on my radar, I am often thinking back over 16 years ago.
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I’d never planned to have any children with my first husband. We struggled financially without children, and nothing about his lifestyle really was conducive to having a child or rearing a child. I had to work full time, had no choice but to work full time, and that didn’t sit well with me in having a child. But, God saw things differently than I did.
The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate than any other industrialized nation. In 2006, there were 750,000 teen pregnancies. One third of all end up pregnant before their 20th birthday.
Pin ItI don’t know what time Johnathan was born. Before 9AM, I think. He was 6lbs, 7oz, and 19 inches long. Those extra 6 weeks he got beefed him up compared to his brother’s 3-pounder birth. Like with Scott, I was too sick to see him after his birth, and he went straight to the NICU. When Gregg brought me pictures, I joked that his nickname didn’t need to be Jeb, it needed to be Biff, because he looked like a little football player.