Tag: Marriage

The Power of a Praying Wife – Chapter 10: His Choices

In the course of our discussing it, we discussed the fact that God has placed the husband as the head of the family. Gregg said, “I am responsible for my choices. If I make a bad decision, God is going to say to me, ‘Why did you make this bad decision?’ If I seek your counsel and take your advice, God is not going to say to you, ‘Why did you give bad advice?’ God is going to say to me, ‘Why did you make this bad decision?'”


The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 9 – His Purpose

I believe that God has a purpose for us. I believe that ultimately, we will all know what our purpose was, and why we had certain situations, triumphs, defeats, etc. I also believe that if we are not living within God’s perfect will for our lives, that we are not following our purpose, then we will feel restless, discontent, possibly even edge toward depression.

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Love & Marriage

When God said, ” It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him,” (Genesis 2:18) there are two Hebrew words that could have been used for “not good.” One is ‘ên tôb, which means that something is lacking. As in, this coffee is lacking cinnamon, or these mashed potatoes are lacking salt. The other is lõ’tôb, which means positively bad. As in, it is positively bad that man is alone, so I will make for him a helper.



Even with him 8,000 miles away…

coming home for just a few weeks every 6 or 7 months…

My Gregg still has a “Honey-Do” list waiting on him.


Surviving Separation: Time Left

Gregg calls where he is the weirdest timezone on the planet. It isn’t 8 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Or 9 hours ahead. It’s 8½ hours ahead.

Not always easy to calculate on the fly. I’ve gotten good at it, but it’s easier for me to calculate forward than it is for him to calculate backward.


The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 5 – His Affection

While I feel strong feelings of love and devotion to my husband, to whom I am certainly emotionally attached, I am not an overly affectionate person. I think there was a time when I once was, when I was younger, but circumstances and situations can strip tendencies away. Over time, I’ve become very stoic about most things. I am not overly emotional ever, I don’t react emotionally, and I’m not really a reach out and hug kind of person.

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The Best Husband on the Planet

So, a couple of weeks ago, he told me that he mailed me a box and he couldn’t wait for me to get it. (For you new visitors to my blog, Gregg is in Afghanistan.) He just doesn’t have time or opportunity to mail a lot of boxes, so I was excited. For him to have purchased something for me, and be able to work time into his schedule to actually mail it was very intriguing. When I got the box today, it was very small, and my anticipation of what was inside was further piqued.

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