When Christ was on the cross, he said these words, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46).
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This was just one paragraph from this entire chapter. This chapter was so important and so relevant to having an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ and living a life free from the bondage of sin, that I feel like reading it every single day, over and over again, until the words are impressed in my memory.
Pin ItOne thing I hear all the time is that people’s lifestyles are so crazy and there isn’t time to spend with God. The thought of just fifteen minutes of devoted prayer time and a five minute “Sound Byte” devotional is overwhelming to many, not to speak of hours of devoted prayer time and hours of devoted Bible study. Yet, the average American adult spends 3-4 hours a day watching television.