Tag: Christian Faith

A Prayer by a Founding Father

George Washington wrote a letter to the governors of the 13 states on the occasion of his retirement from the command of the Continental Army and his removal from public life. In the letter, Washington said that he wanted the governors to convey his words to their legislatures and that he hoped it would be regarded as coming from someone who always wished to be useful to his country, and who, in the shade of retirement, would not fail to “implore divine benediction upon it.”


The Forum is Up!

When the Bible study begins, the posts will originate here, but comments will be closed and links will go to the Hallee’s Daily Brew forum so that we can have more freedom with longer threads, different subjects, and conversations pertaining to each chapter of the study. But the forum is set up for much more than that. Look around, my wonderful readers – register and play with the forum. Start topics, send each other messages, have fun!


Letting Go

I wish I had the words to explain to you the amazing creature that is my daughter. She is 12, going on 39. She has experienced so much, has traveled so extensively, has lived more life than most people with senior discounts. She’s suffered extreme hurt and knows God’s perfect love.


Creation: Mother Nature’s Plan

Before I step into the primordial soup that is Chemical Evolution, which slips nicely down the logical slope into the quagmire of Abiogenesis, I must preface those future posts with some foundational data. This data is important for context. The foundational data we must examine has to do with the fallacy of Darwinist reification and the age of the earth. In this post, I will focus on reification.

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Creation: Stellar Evolution Part II

In my first few posts explaining some of the problems with Stellar Evolution, I detailed the logical problems with the theory and several scientific problems. One of the major conclusions I reached in my personal journey of discovery was that each and every single logical and scientific problem with the collective theories of Darwinian evolution amount to single limiting factors.

Any single limiting factor is enough to refute the entire theory.

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Creation: Stellar Evolution Part I

Steller evolution is the theory of the origin of stars, or how stars are born. The theories of stellar evolution can be largely separated into two categories. There are theories that fall into how stars “evolved” as part of the aftermath of the Cosmic Evolution brought about by the Big Bang, and there are other theories about how stars are “evolving” even today.

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