Category: Writing

Runner Up for Fiction Book of the Year!! More Exciting than a Football Game!

A Melody for James has won second place in Book Fun Magazine’s Fiction Book of the Year!!

Thank you to EVERYONE who voted for A Melody for James! You can read all about it in the February edition of Book Fun Magazine. Read the interview that my street team, Hallee’s Allies, gave me on page 166!

Today only, A Melody for James, Book 1 in the Song of Suspense Series, is only 99 cents!


Grace Awards

It’s time to nominate books for the 2013 Grace Awards. I have two books that qualify: A Melody for James and an Aria for Nick…


An Aria for Nick

I haven’t done much in the line of marketing An Aria for Nick. I released it in mid-November (not a great idea – most of my market is too busy that time of year to read) and almost immediately got to work writing Christmas Diamond. Since that book was for Christmas, I kind of turned all all of the attention to that little novella.

But, while I’ve not been talking much about it…


Please Help Me Win Book of the Year!

I would L-O-V-E to win The Book Club Network’s Book of the Year for 2013! This magazine goes out to 280,000 readers, and is a pretty big deal to me. The biggest problem with this is that I’ve been nominated three times, so I’m competing with myself!


Greater Than Rubies Vlog!

Here is the video I made for Greater Than Rubies, Book 1.5 of the Jewel Series. I think this video is my favorite of all that I’ve done. Now that I think about it, I think it was also the only one done in one take! I’d love to hear your thoughts about it!


Sapphire Ice Vlog!

Here is the video I made for Sapphire Ice, Book 1 of the Jewel Series. I hope you enjoy it and would love to hear your thoughts about it!


Cyber Monday Through Friday Christmas Sale!

For this entire week, until Friday at midnight EST, all of my books in paperback form are on sale for 20% off! They will be autographed per your directions and mailed to you priority mail for the cost of the book plus $5 shipping. I can bundle as many as three books into one $5 package – so buy in bulk and save even more! This is an awesome deal, and the perfect gift for the book lover in your life! Read below for pricing and details about each book. If you would like to take advantage of this great deal, email me at


30 Days of Thankfulness Day 26

I get so much feedback from people who read my books. I get such incredible letters, reviews, and messages that there are days that I’m almost afraid to keep writing because I might not be able to maintain the same standard, and there are days when I want to just shut the door and write as fast as I can to give them some more.

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