Category: Love

Love & Marriage

When God said, ” It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him,” (Genesis 2:18) there are two Hebrew words that could have been used for “not good.” One is ‘ên tôb, which means that something is lacking. As in, this coffee is lacking cinnamon, or these mashed potatoes are lacking salt. The other is lõ’tôb, which means positively bad. As in, it is positively bad that man is alone, so I will make for him a helper.

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Even with him 8,000 miles away…

coming home for just a few weeks every 6 or 7 months…

My Gregg still has a “Honey-Do” list waiting on him.

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Surviving Separation: Time Left

Gregg calls where he is the weirdest timezone on the planet. It isn’t 8 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Or 9 hours ahead. It’s 8½ hours ahead.

Not always easy to calculate on the fly. I’ve gotten good at it, but it’s easier for me to calculate forward than it is for him to calculate backward.

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The Power of a Praying Wife: Chapter 7 – His Mind

The first thing that attracted me to Gregg was his mind. Before we met in person, we had known each other online for two years as part of a writers’ group. This group was supposed to be about writing, but writers like to read what they write, so it was a prolific bunch. We discussed everything from writing to politics to religion. After 9-11, it really exploded with talking and writing, and it wasn’t unusual to get 400-500 emails a day. Gregg and I are very similarrily minded when it comes to religion and politics, so we “bonded” intellectually long before we met. However, that bonding never went beyond the discussions to anything personal simply because I was married. The first time we ever had a private conversation, I was already separated from my husband.

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The Power of a Praying Wife – Chapter 6: His Temptation

Men are visual creatures. And we live in an extremely visual world. From swimsuit models pedaling beer to shiny sports car commercials, we are bombarded visually on a constant basis. You can barely even read a website without your peripheral vision being attacked with ads that flash, scroll, bleep, bloop. I was on a website recently trying to read a long line of text and an ad in the sidebar was so annoying that I had to open another window and put it in front of the one I was reading to block the ad.

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8 Years

The weekend after we met for the first time, Gregg confessed his love for me.

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