Book Signing Announcement
Just in case you are in the central Kentucky area, I wanted to share the information about the book signing I’m having this Saturday. This link should take you to the Facebook event, which should be a public event. From there, you can see a map to the location, share it with friends, write on the wall, etc.
I am also trying to plan one in Tallahassee, Florida, sometime the last week in May.
And, I’m planning on in Boston, Massachusetts, the last weekend in July (I will be there to walk the Susan G. Komen 3-Day).
I will have more specific and detailed information as I find out the specifics and the details. :-)
If you are anywhere near any of these places, I’d LOVE to have you come to the book signing and to meet you!
If you are unable to come to the event, but would like to have an autographed paperback, please email me at The books are $8.99, and shipping should be about $3 or so. I will be more than happy to make arrangements to ship one (or more!) to you.
I’m so grateful for your visit, today.
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