Simply Give

As you prepare for this holiday season, here is a quote for you to ponder:

We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing oriented’ society to a ‘person oriented’ society.  ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

What are you getting for that person who “has everything”?  We broke the habit of buying this year.  While in Meijer the other night, there was a display about Meijer’s “Simply Give“.  Basically, they’ll match $10 for $10 and donate to a local soup kitchen or food pantry.  (Here is a list of the local Meijers and where the money would go.) For every $10 card I bought that night (pictured here), Meijer gave our local food pantry (God’s Pantry) $20.  This directly impacts the local homeless and destitute in my community.

Despite the fact that they’ll likely read this and will “know” (we thought that it was more important to spread the word about this amazing program than to “surprise” them) this is our gift to our fathers and a couple of brothers in law this year – the men in our lives who have everything, and when they want something, they just buy it.  They are hard to shop for, because they don’t really “want” anything.  We thought they would be happier knowing that several families could be fed instead of us just giving them something they neither needed nor wanted.

Consider being unconventional this year – be person oriented instead of thing oriented.  If you don’t have a local Meijer, they have an online donation option.

(Disclosure: This is not a solicted advertisement for Meijer — they have not contacted Hallee the Homemaker.  They’re just doing something great and I’m spreading the word.)



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