Recipe Correction
I made my Whole Wheat Pull Apart Yeast Rolls this morning for our Thanksgiving dinner. When I read through the recipe, I found two vary glaring errors that, if you didn’t know what to do, you wouldn’t know what to do about them. I don’t know what was going on with my brain or fingers when I typed it, unless it was just because during the Thanksgiving Extravaganza last year, I typed about 6 recipes in one day. Not a great excuse – but it’s all I have.
I’ve corrected the recipe. If you printed it up to make it for your Thanksgiving dinner, I sure hope you check the site first and see this note. I sincerely apologize.
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Do you observe the Days of Unleavened bread?? I’ve searched far and wide for a good site that had a nice variety of unleavened recipes. All that turns up is cheese bread or cheese crackers in varying degrees. *sigh*
OT: Exodus (12:7, 13:3, 23:15, 34:18,) Leviticus (23:4, 23:6) Numbers (28:17) Deuteronomy (16:16) 2 Chronicles (30:13)
NT: Matthew (26:17) Mark (14:1, 14:12) Luke (22:1, 22:7), Acts (12:3, 20:6) 1 Corinthians (5:8)
I had a hard time finding good unleavened bread recipes. But, I have a really neat book about Biblical food and have a recipe there. I’ll post it.