The Garden: Week 2

This has been an off week for the garden.  The highs every day have been about 50 degrees (last week the highs were about 85  degrees), and it has been raining.  I think Tuesday night, the low was 43, and some part of my brain worried that it would drop to freezing.  Kind of hard for this girl from Florida to take the third week of May.

Added to that, we had six trees removed from our fence line in anticipation of replacing the fence.

The garden is IMMEDIATELY to the right of this.  This was my error – I should have had the work done before I planted.  Well, the cucumbers didn’t fare well.

I lost about half of them, and half of the cucumber tee-pees.  So, I’ve replanted some seeds in a tray in case I need some extra seedlings, and I’m waiting to see what seeds that were planted in the garden come up before I replace the tee pees (I had originally planted seeds at the feet of the tee pee’s, because I didn’t plant enough seedlings).  It will all work out in the end – I’m just kind of at a stand still right now.

Here is the small garden.  The yellow tomatoes, cantaloupes, watermelon, zucchini, and yellow squash look great.

I have sunflowers popping up:

And this is either turnips or spinach – can’t remember which order I planted the rows:

In the main garden, one of my dogs got into the corn field.

Until the corn starts coming up, I can’t repair and replant.  So, again, I’m in a holding pattern there.

The green peppers are looking good:

And radishes have popped up:

The lettuce is loving the cooler weather:

Here is where I planted my herb garden, but there isn’t much to see yet:

I also have baby apples on the apple tree!

How is your garden growing?



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