The Homemaker’s ABC’s

From The Homemaker’s Mentor
by Martha Greene & Rebekah Wilson

Always remember you are doing an important job.

Bake homemade cookies and keep your cookie jar full.

Cook delicious and nutritious meals for the family.

Dance with the children in the rain.

Examine your home for dust bunnies.

Frown upon bad manners.

Guide your household with wisdom.

Hide laundry in the bathtub when the neighbor pops over.

Ignore the words: “She’s just a homemaker!”

Joyfully serve your family’s needs each day.

Kiss your husband in the morning.

Laugh at burned toast – tomorrow it won’t matter.

Make home a place they “love to come home to.”

Never assume your children will always make you happy.

Open your home to minister to others.

Put on an apron today!

Quiet your heart when you feel like yelling!

Rest – you need it to cope with tomorrow.

Smile a lot!

Take care of yourself – you are hard to replace!

Understand that no homemaker is perfect.

Virtuous women don’t get their qualities overnight.

Wash their socks and pray for the path they will take.

‘Xpect company when you least expect them!

Your actions will always speak louder than your words.

Zealously guard ‘home’ – you are the keeper!


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